



Cover_NAED_Product-Data-Map_2021The latest study on the industry’s product data practices reveals that distributors and manufacturers lose over $5 billion in productivity. In addition, product data impacts over 30 different roles across departments. Based on survey results from NAED members and contractors, the results provide a better picture of the direct and indirect costs of poor product data. It features: 

  • Estimated costs of productivity losses for small, medium, and large distributors and manufacturers 
  • Degree of impact of poor product data on different roles and what causes friction points 
  • Over 25 metrics in five different business categories to determine which areas would benefit from improved processes 
  • Maturity model outlining practices ranging from ad hoc to optimized 
  • Survey results from over 300 distributors, manufacturers, and contractors 
  • Coming soon—an estimation model for individual companies 

Download the report today! As an NAED member, this report is available to you at no cost once you log into the NAED Shop to download your copy today.

On behalf of NAED, we would like to thank all of the NAED members who provided input to make this report possible. We are most grateful for your time and support. We would also like to thank the members of the Channel Advantage Partnership and members of the NAED Board for their ongoing commitment to educate and inform the NAED community.




NAED’s industry-exclusive product data journey illustrates how product data is created, deployed and used across the channel. This information is critical to the industry, but millions of dollars are lost annually due to missing, inconsistent, or inaccurate information passed downstream in the channel. To better understand why issues persist, the NAED Education & Research Foundation commissioned the study, NAED’s Journey Map of Product Data in 2023. The report includes: 

  • An industry-exclusive Product Data Journey Map
  • Nine friction points and how poor product data quality impacts productivity and sales
  • Best practices to optimize product data creation and modifications
  • Next steps manufacturers and distributors can consider to improve the processes around product data to enhance communications, product data standards, and boost the bottom line.

Download the report today! As an NAED member, this report is available to you at no cost once you log into the NAED Shop to download your copy today.

The NAED Education & Research Foundation is focused on helping NAED companies build a more connected channel and enable capabilities that will lead to greater successes in 2023 and beyond. Look for more resources in the coming months.





Cover_NAED_Data_Success_StoriesMaking Strides with Data Insights

NAED distributor members contributed stories to show how their companies were able to uncover greater insights or address long-standing issues by looking more closely at solutions based on data. This series of snapshots shows the ways in which teams collaborated to effectively resolve a diverse range of problems at their companies using data tools and analytics.