Smart Energy Management Systems
Unlocking Opportunities for Growth
The Smart Energy Management System (SEMS) market is an important strategic opportunity for electrical distributors and will require them to stretch beyond their traditional capabilities. This research explores the opportunities and strategies to take advantage of the growing commercial and residential sectors.
PART I of this report includes the initial findings from a member survey and analysis. It provides helpful benchmarks, including how many distributors are actively developing and executing a SEMS strategy, how distributor perceive the importance of SEMS, manufacturers input on the effectiveness of a SEMS strategy and more.
PART II includes a market analysis with an in-depth look at the SEMS segmentation focusing on residential and commercial. The report also provides an analysis of regulations in the industry, efficiency of a SEMS strategy and recommendations electrical distributors can use to implement immediately.
Please contact our Member Engagement team to receive these reports.
Primary Subject: Energy & Sustainability
Published: 2017
Prepared By: Industry Insights
Houlihan Lokey