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  • Value Added Software: This pillar represents vendor offerings that support delivery of value-added business services across the supply chain. Areas span Pricing Management software enabling Financial Optimization, Building Information Modeling software enabling Design for Supply Chain constructs, Product Information Management software ensuring accurate product data for intelligence in the supply chain, amongst others. These types of software directly help an organization deliver value-added services to their customers by enabling a functionality not capable with just the Enterprise Software.
  • Functional Integration: This pillar stands to represent a broad spectrum of vendor solutions and services leveraging methods, standards, and intelligent constructs to optimize Supply Chains. Methods adopted may be process or system integration oriented and focus on de-siloing functions and enabling collaboration resulting in transformation of operations on global optimization models rather than local.

To view the full NAED Member Directory, click here.


To learn more about the Preferred Provider Program and the option to be listed in the Preferred Provider Directory, please contact NAED Member Recruitment & Engagement Manager, Gail Reynoso.



Preferred Providers pay NAED an application and maintenance fee and are only selected if they meet the Preferred Provider Program criteria. NAED MAKES NO AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY, REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE VENDOR(S), THEIR PRODUCT(S) AND/OR SERVICE(S) AND/OR ANY OTHER SERVICE PROVIDED BY NAED HEREIN. Additionally, the providers listed are subject to change without notice and are not guaranteed to remain as Preferred Providers.